Spring Workshops are here!

I know I’m always saying this but I can’t believe how busy I am with the quilts!  I have a new Spring workshop programme and of course that means new quilts too.  Now they’re not finished yet, but I’m working on it.  Here are a snippet on what’s happened so far.

The first new quilt is the Egg-timer Twist, a chop it up and change it type of quilt.  I headed off to John Lewis to check out the sale fabrics and was pleased to say that I did find some I needed, I know I have an ever bulging store cupboard of fabrics, but this was just too nice to leave behind and reduced in price too – what’s a girl supposed to do eh?  I’ve nearly finished the sample now, just need a little more quilting around the outer border.

Egg Timer Twist

Egg Timer Twist


I’ve also started a Round Robin Quilt, this course is called “Let’s Go Round”.  It’s a lovely quilt that starts at the centre with a block and then each month a border is added, it runs for six months and at the end you have a lovely, busy quilt with six different rounds, so far I’ve only done the first three rounds but I’ll add a picture so you can get an impression of what I’m doing, the next three should be added in the next week or so (I hope!)

Let's Go Round

Let’s Go Round


I have an interesting method of creating what looks like curved piecing, which I know can be a struggle, this quilt is called Peach Slices, I only have at this stage a sketch to show you, I have started, and made good progress with the quilt but it’s not ready to show yet, won’t be long though, maybe I can do this by the end of the week (who am I kidding?)

peach slices


Blissful Blooms I have to say is one of my favourites at the moment, I’ve managed to put together a few of the blocks but had to put it aside as I have too many quilts to make, but it’s in my ‘To Do’ pile, and hopefully that’s not going to be too long.  I only have a graphic of the finished piece but have a small picture of the blocks I’ve done so far.

blissfull bloom block

I’m also repeating some of the previously popular workshops, my lovely favourite Hearts Wall hanging and the stunning Bargello Quilt.

Heart Wall HangingWatermelon Bargello

Thanks for reading, I promise not to leave it too long next time – seems like a hectic few months!  Kate xxx

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